Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite: Discovering New Worlds

If you're interested in space exploration and the search for life beyond our solar system, you may have heard of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Launched in 2018 by NASA, TESS is a space telescope designed to search for exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system, by detecting their transits, or the dips in brightness as they pass in front of their host star. TESS is the successor to the Kepler mission, which discovered thousands of exoplanets during its nine-year mission.

TESS's mission is to survey the entire sky and identify the most promising exoplanets for further study. Its four cameras are capable of observing nearly the entire sky, dividing it into 26 sectors and monitoring each sector for about a month. This allows TESS to detect exoplanets orbiting a wide range of star types and at different distances from their host star. TESS's scientific goals include identifying small, rocky planets in the habitable zones of their stars, where liquid water could exist, and characterizing the atmospheres of exoplanets to determine if they could support life.

Key Takeaways

Mission Overview

If you're interested in space exploration, you've probably heard of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). This NASA mission is designed to search for exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system, using the transit method. In this section, we'll provide an overview of the TESS mission, including its objectives, launch details, and mission timeline.


The primary objective of the TESS mission is to discover new exoplanets, with a particular focus on finding planets that are similar in size to Earth and orbiting in the habitable zone of their star. To achieve this goal, TESS will survey the entire sky, dividing it into 26 sectors, each of which will be observed for about 27 days. During this time, TESS will use its four cameras to monitor the brightness of more than 200,000 stars, looking for the telltale dips in brightness that occur when a planet passes in front of its star.

In addition to discovering new exoplanets, TESS will also study the properties of the stars themselves, including their size, temperature, and age. This information will help astronomers better understand the characteristics of exoplanets and their potential habitability.

Launch Details

TESS was launched on April 18, 2018, aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. The launch was originally scheduled for March 20, but was delayed due to technical issues. The spacecraft was placed into a highly elliptical orbit around Earth, which allows it to avoid interference from the Moon and other sources of light pollution.

Mission Timeline

TESS is designed to operate for at least two years, with the possibility of an extension. During this time, it will survey the entire sky, covering an area 400 times larger than that observed by the Kepler mission. The data collected by TESS will be used by astronomers around the world to study exoplanets and their host stars, with the ultimate goal of finding planets that could potentially support life.

In conclusion, the TESS mission is an exciting and ambitious project that has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of exoplanets and their potential habitability. By surveying the entire sky and studying hundreds of thousands of stars, TESS will provide a wealth of data that will keep astronomers busy for years to come.

Spacecraft Design

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a NASA mission that aims to discover exoplanets orbiting the brightest stars in the sky. The spacecraft is designed to be compact, lightweight, and highly efficient, allowing it to carry out its mission with precision.


TESS is equipped with four wide-field cameras that can capture high-resolution images of large areas of the sky. Each camera has a 24-degree field of view, which is about 400 times larger than that of the Kepler mission. The cameras are designed to detect changes in the brightness of stars, which can indicate the presence of exoplanets passing in front of them.

Orbit and Trajectory

TESS follows a highly elliptical orbit that takes it as close as 108,000 km to Earth and as far as 373,000 km away. This orbit allows the spacecraft to observe a different portion of the sky every 27 days, covering a total of 85% of the sky during its two-year mission.

To achieve its precise orbit, TESS uses a combination of thrusters and gravity assists from the Moon. The spacecraft's trajectory is carefully calculated to avoid interference from the Earth's radiation belts and to minimize the amount of fuel needed for course corrections.

Overall, TESS is a remarkable spacecraft that has already made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. Its innovative design and advanced instruments make it a powerful tool for exploring the cosmos and discovering new worlds beyond our own.

Scientific Goals

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is a NASA mission designed to search for exoplanets orbiting the brightest stars in the sky. TESS uses the transit method to detect planets as they pass in front of their host stars, causing a small dip in the star's brightness. TESS's scientific goals include two main areas of focus: exoplanet discovery and atmospheric characterization.

Exoplanet Discovery

One of TESS's primary goals is to discover new exoplanets. TESS is designed to survey the entire sky, dividing it into 26 sectors, each of which is observed for 27 days. During this time, TESS will monitor the brightness of over 200,000 stars, searching for exoplanets that transit in front of them. By detecting these transits, TESS can determine the size, mass, and orbital period of the planet, as well as the distance from its host star.

TESS's survey is expected to find thousands of new exoplanets, including a large number of small, rocky planets in the habitable zones of their stars. These planets are of particular interest because they may be able to support life as we know it. By studying these planets, scientists can learn more about the conditions necessary for life to exist elsewhere in the universe.

Atmospheric Characterization

In addition to discovering new exoplanets, TESS is also designed to study the atmospheres of these planets. By observing the light that passes through a planet's atmosphere during a transit, TESS can determine the composition of the atmosphere and look for signs of life.

TESS will focus on studying the atmospheres of a small number of nearby exoplanets, including those discovered by other telescopes. By studying the atmospheres of these planets, scientists can learn more about their composition, temperature, and whether they have the necessary conditions to support life.

Overall, TESS's scientific goals are focused on discovering new exoplanets and studying their atmospheres. By doing so, scientists hope to learn more about the conditions necessary for life to exist elsewhere in the universe.

Data Collection and Analysis


Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) uses photometry to detect exoplanets. Photometry involves measuring the brightness of stars over time. As a planet passes in front of its host star, it blocks some of the star's light, causing a dip in brightness. TESS detects these dips in brightness and uses them to identify potential exoplanets.

TESS has four cameras, each with a field of view of 24 degrees by 96 degrees. Together, these cameras can observe almost the entire sky. TESS observes each field of view for 27 days at a time, allowing it to detect exoplanets with short orbital periods.

Data Processing

After TESS collects data, it is sent to the ground for processing. The data is first checked for errors and then reduced to remove any noise or systematic errors. The reduced data is then searched for transit signals using a variety of algorithms.

Once potential exoplanets are identified, follow-up observations are conducted to confirm their existence and determine their properties. This includes measuring the planet's mass and radius, as well as its atmosphere and composition.

Overall, TESS's data collection and analysis process has led to the discovery of thousands of exoplanet candidates, many of which have been confirmed as exoplanets. This has greatly expanded our understanding of the diversity of planetary systems in our galaxy.

Results and Discoveries

Since its launch in April 2018, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has been on a mission to discover and confirm exoplanets outside of our solar system. In just a few short years, TESS has made significant progress towards this goal. Here are some of the most exciting results and discoveries so far:

Confirmed Exoplanets

TESS has confirmed the existence of numerous exoplanets, including some that are potentially habitable. One of the most significant discoveries was the exoplanet TOI 700 d, which is located in the habitable zone of its star and has a similar size to Earth. This makes it a prime candidate for further study and potentially even the search for extraterrestrial life.

Another exciting discovery was the exoplanet LHS 3844 b, which is located just 48.6 light-years away from Earth. This exoplanet is rocky and has a surface temperature of over 1,000 degrees Celsius, making it too hot to support life. However, it provides valuable insights into the formation and evolution of rocky planets like Earth.

Candidate Exoplanets

In addition to confirmed exoplanets, TESS has also identified numerous candidate exoplanets that require further observation and confirmation. One of the most intriguing candidates is a planet called HD 21749c, which is about three times the size of Earth and orbits a star that is cooler and smaller than our sun. This planet is located in the habitable zone of its star and could potentially support life.

Another exciting candidate is a planet called TOI 849 b, which is a gas giant that orbits extremely close to its star. This planet is unusual because it has a density similar to that of a rocky planet, which has led scientists to speculate that it may have once had a rocky core that was stripped away by its star's gravity.

Overall, the results and discoveries made by TESS have been nothing short of groundbreaking. With several years left in its mission, there is no telling what other exciting exoplanets TESS will discover in the future.

Collaboration and Partnerships

When it comes to space exploration, collaboration and partnerships are crucial. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is no exception. TESS is a joint project between NASA and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), with contributions from other institutions.


NASA's involvement in TESS is extensive. The agency provided funding and oversight for the mission, as well as the launch vehicle and ground support equipment. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, is responsible for the overall management of the TESS mission, including the science operations center.


MIT is the primary partner for TESS, responsible for the design, development, and operation of the spacecraft and its scientific instruments. The university's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research is also heavily involved in the mission. In addition to contributing to the scientific goals of TESS, MIT is also responsible for the data processing and analysis.

Other Institutions

In addition to NASA and MIT, several other institutions have contributed to the TESS mission. These include:

Overall, the collaboration and partnerships involved in the TESS mission have been critical to its success. By bringing together the expertise of multiple institutions, TESS has been able to achieve its scientific goals and make groundbreaking discoveries about our universe.

Future Prospects

Extended Missions

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has already made significant contributions to the field of exoplanet research by discovering thousands of new planets outside our solar system. However, the mission is far from over. TESS is expected to continue operating for several more years, and during that time, it will be able to study even more stars and planets.

One of the most exciting prospects for TESS is the potential discovery of habitable planets. TESS is designed to detect small, rocky planets that orbit close to their stars, which is the ideal condition for liquid water to exist on the planet's surface. If TESS can find a planet that meets these criteria, it could be a major breakthrough in the search for extraterrestrial life.

Technological Advancements

As technology continues to advance, so too will our ability to study exoplanets. TESS is already an incredibly powerful tool, but there are several ways in which it could be improved in the future.

One potential advancement is the development of more sensitive detectors. TESS currently uses CCD detectors, which are very good at detecting bright stars but struggle with fainter stars. If more sensitive detectors are developed, TESS could potentially detect even more exoplanets.

Another potential advancement is the use of space-based interferometers. Interferometers are instruments that combine light from multiple telescopes to create a more detailed image. If space-based interferometers are developed, they could potentially allow us to study exoplanets in even greater detail than TESS currently allows.

Overall, the future of exoplanet research is very exciting, and TESS is at the forefront of this field. With the potential discovery of habitable planets and continued technological advancements, we are sure to learn even more about the universe around us in the years to come.

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